Eulerpool Data & Analytics Deborah Waud Moore Trust under the Anne Byron Smith Waud Trust under the Harold C. Smith Trust Agreement of May 3, 1934 Chicago, US-IL
Deborah Waud Moore Trust under the Anne Byron Smith Waud Trust under the Harold C. Smith Trust Agreement of May 3, 1934
Address / Headquarters
Deborah Waud Moore Trust under the Anne Byron Smith Waud Trust under the Harold C. Smith Trust Agreement of May 3, 1934
The Northern Trust Company
50 South LaSalle Street
60603 Chicago
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
Legal Operating Unit (LOU)
Registration Number
Company Type
Company Category
Validation Status
Last Updated
Next Renewal
Eulerpool API Deborah Waud Moore Trust under the Anne Byron Smith Waud Trust under the Harold C. Smith Trust Agreement of May 3, 1934 Revenue, Profit, Balance Sheet, Patents, Employees, and more Chicago, US-IL
"lei": "549300CDO70B72LLA466",
"legal_jurisdiction": "US-IL",
"legal_name": "Deborah Waud Moore Trust under the Anne Byron Smith Waud Trust under the Harold C. Smith Trust Agreement of May 3, 1934",
"entity_category": "GENERAL",
"entity_legal_form_code": "8888",
"legal_first_address_line": "The Northern Trust Company",
"legal_additional_address_line": "50 South LaSalle Street",
"legal_city": "Chicago",
"legal_postal_code": "60603",
"headquarters_first_address_line": "The Northern Trust Company",
"headquarters_additional_address_line": "50 South LaSalle Street",
"headquarters_city": "Chicago",
"headquarters_postal_code": "60603",
"registration_authority_entity_id": "",
"next_renewal_date": "2015-03-18T16:18:00.000Z",
"last_update_date": "2023-08-04T16:16:34.591Z",
"managing_lou": "5493001KJTIIGC8Y1R12",
"registration_status": "LAPSED",
"validation_sources": "ENTITY_SUPPLIED_ONLY",
"reporting_exception": "",
"slug": "Deborah Waud Moore Trust under the Anne Byron Smith Waud Trust under the Harold C. Smith Trust Agreement of May 3, 1934,Chicago,"
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